• Coursera TIL 230122~ - Core internet technologies

    2023. 1. 22.

    by. 옛슬


    Introduction to Internet Protocols

    인터넷 프로토콜이란?

    인터넷 프로토콜 (IP)

    • set of rules, for routing and addressing packets of data so that they can travel across networks and
      arrive at the correct destination

    인터넷 프로토콜 주소

    An IP address is a unique identifier assigned to a device or domain that connects to the Internet. 


    • IP protocol version 4
    • IP protocol version 6

    What is an IP packet?

    IP packets are created by adding an IP header to each packet of data before it is sent on its way. An IP header is just a series of bits (ones and zeros), and it records several pieces of information about the packet, including the sending and receiving IP address. IP headers also report

    • IP Header : includes destination IP Address and source IP Address
    • IP Data
    • problems
      • ip packets arrive out of order
      • become damaged or corrupted
      • dropped or lost during transit
    • payload part of IP packets
      • transmission control protocol TCP : 앞의 문제 해결 가능 
      • user data protocol : corrupted 문제 해결 가능.


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